[The Independent] Let all festival-goers test their drugs before they take them, say public health experts

Trial at two festivals last year found boric acid and ground-up malaria tablets sold as cocaine

Festivals should let revellers test drugs before they take them to prevent unnecessary deaths this summer, the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) has said.

The call for large live music events to provide safety-testing facilities as standard comes after some of Britain’s biggest festivals promised to offer drug-testing tents for the first time this year.

Stronger substances and lack of information about what pills and powders contain have contributed to a recent increase in deaths related to recreational drug use, said the RSPH.

Read full article here.


[Daily Mail] Music festivals should offer drug testing so users can assess the strength of their class As: Almost one in five dispose of their substances when they learn their true content


[BBC] Call for drug safety testing at summer music festivals