Test A Substance

Need to test outside of our normal operation?


Getting a substance tested

The Loop does not offer a postal testing service to the general public outside of our testing events. Details of our city centre drug checking in Bristol can be found here. We will circulate details of our other events on our website and social media pages.

Outside of our public drug checking services, WEDINOS is the only UK organisation to currently offer a postal testing service. Results are published online after samples are delivered and analysed. WEDINOS is not able to receive samples of substances through the post which are suspected to be controlled drugs when posted and WEDINOS does not give information on purity of submitted samples.

DrugsData.org and Energy Control International (based in Barcelona) also offer postal lab testing services. Energy Control International provides information on percentage purity where possible.

More extensive lab testing is needed for highly "diluted" samples. This includes samples prepared for injection (steroids and hormones), most pharmaceuticals (like Xanax and Valium) and vape liquids including many cannabis extracts. This is because testing for substances present in concentrations under 3% is much more complex.

Some basic testing can be done at home with “reagent tests” to get an immediate test result. The reusable bottles contain a chemical which changes colour depending on the substance it is exposed to. Mixing some with a piece of your substance allows you to immediately determine if the substance is different to the one you expected. The Loop uses this as one of its secondary test methods and obtains its reagents from Reagent Tests UK.

Reagent Tests UK is also able to answer questions about testing and substance identification.

See our Resources page for resources we suggest.