[BBC] Call for drug safety testing at summer music festivals

All music festivals should provide drug testing facilities, where people can go and find out if substances are safe, says the Royal Society for Public Health.

This will reduce the risk of serious harm from recreational drug use, after a sharp increase in drug deaths in England and Wales, it says.

A rise in drug strength means users may be taking drugs at dangerous levels.

But no level of illegal drug use is ever entirely safe, the Society says.

The RSPH says allowing festival-goers to check the content and strength of substances they possess should also be introduced in city centres where drug use in clubs is common.

Read fill report here.


[The Independent] Let all festival-goers test their drugs before they take them, say public health experts


[The Sun] SAFETY FIRST: Music festivals must offer drug users safe places to test the strength of their class As to reduce deaths, top docs say