[NPR] Making Sure Ecstasy Is Ecstasy: Volunteers Test Drugs At U.K. Music Fests

In a muddy field in northern England's Lake District, more than 20,000 people are camping out at a four-day outdoor music festival called Kendal Calling. They jam along with their favorite bands. Some people wear outlandish costumes: There are superheroes, Indian chiefs and a naked guy wearing only transparent plastic wrap. There's dancing, drinking and occasionally, some illicit drug use.

It's a typical scene at summertime music festivals across Europe. But in England this summer, for the first time, revelers can have their illegal drugs tested before they take them. It's part of a new project to prevent overdoses.

Read full article here.


[Huffpost UK] Are Nightclubs The Right Place For Harm Reduction Initiatives?


[BBC Newsbeat] First ever festival to test users' drugs