Drug Checking Services: Briefing Document

Drug-related deaths and associated harms have been increasing in the UK since 2012, with mis-sold drugs, as well as high and variable strength, key contributing factors.

In December 2021, the UK government published its 10-year Drug Strategy calling for 'innovation' to help reduce increasing drug harms.

Drug checking is exactly that: an innovative healthcare response to the risks associated with drug use which is shown to reduce harm.

There is a growing evidence base showing that drug checking:

  • Leads to reduced drug use

  • Results in lower levels of polydrug use

  • Has a lasting, positive health impact on service users

Drug checking also contributes to the national surveillance of illicit drug markets, which facilitates more targeted interventions when responding to drug use.

The Loop is an award-winning specialist organisation dedicated to delivering high-quality, evidence-based drug checking. We are uniquely placed to deliver drug checking in the UK, given our track record of successfully delivering healthcare consultations to over 10,000 service users since introducing drug checking in the UK in 2016.

Click here to download our full briefing pack.


The UK’s first regular drug checking service launches in Bristol this month.


The Loop Drug Checking Service is granted charity status and appointment of its first CEO